Water Service Alert
February 19, 2021
The extreme weather conditions have affected services across all areas of the system. We are experiencing low pressure to no water in several areas. Operators are working diligently to repair the impacted components of the system and restore water service as quickly as possible.
Customers are asked to use water sparingly. Avoid using high water use appliances or fixtures such as dishwashers, washing machines, etc. until normal water service has resumed. Customers can also take shorter showers, turn off the water when brushing your teeth and make sure sprinklers are turned off.
Over the next few days, everything will start thawing out causing the ground to shift creating additional strain on the water lines and hydrants. We ask that customers check their service lines for leaks and when you are out and see a leak, please call the office at (405) 905-8070 or the contact us link on the website to report leaks.